Our Donors

Casino Fundraiser

The Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission has approved ASVI for the Casino fundraiser in July/August/September in 2014. The exact dates will be provided to the members in early 2014. Volunteers are always needed for these events so make sure to stay tuned for dates and times!

Special effort from the employees at Fluor Calgary!

As a part of an in-house fundraising campaign, “Jeans Day” a day of wearing blue jeans to work for the employees of Fluor Calgary in turn cost them a few dollars. In return for their pockets being a little lighter the proceeds were donated to ASVI – Calgary Division. The official count for these very courteous efforts totaled an incredible $3,446. Fluor foundation will supplement $554 for a grand total of $4,000 to ASVI. Thank you to everyone that participated in “Jeans Day”!

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