Aides, Assistants, Teachers
ASVI seeks to ensure that children with vision loss develop their full capabilities by facilitating the training of parents and educators so they may provide optimal support, guidance and expertise necessary.

In addition to support, ASVI Calgary has provided much needed programs and workshops for parents that in the past, that have included:
- Learning Braille Basics;
- Dealing With Your Child’s Technology Needs;
- Issues Facing Children With Vision Loss;
- What Should You Expect From Your Child’s Education;
- If and When is the Right Time for a Guide Dog;
- What About Orientation and Mobility;
- Low Vision: Does My Child Really Need to Learn Braille?;
- What Does Independence Really Mean?;
- What Kind of Funding Can a Parent Get Help With?;
- Can I Really Expect My Child to Become Fully Employed as an Adult?;
- Internet Safety;
- FSCD Information Session; and
- Self Esteem.
If you are interested in one of the above or another topic, please email to let us know.
ASVI Calgary is committed to helping teachers/educators of the visually impaired to access necessary skill development. So in addition to providing funding for courses and conferences, ASVI Calgary organized and sponsored the following workshops:
- Braille Math with Susan Osterhaus from the Texas School for the Blind;
- Braille Music with Betty Krolick, author of the acclaimed book – Braille Music;
- Helen Guerrette with Fondation Mira who spoke about the importance of Orientation and Mobility as well as discussing the issues related to Guide Dogs; and
- Linda Mamer from the CNIB in Toronto who spoke about Braille Music and the importance of Braille.
These workshops were attended by vision teachers across the province.
Canadian Vision Teachers’ Conference (CVTC)
This is a conference welcoming all Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, Orientation and Mobility Instructors, Deafblind Intervenors, Alternative Format Specialists, Students, Parents, Researchers, Health Care Practitioners, Adults, Early Childhood Educators, Community Partners and Agencies across Canada and beyond interested in the education, empowerment and advocacy of individuals with visual impairments. It is the highest impact conference in Canada for workshops, keynotes and expert talks in the field of blindness/low vision and deafblind education.
The CVTC runs every 2 years and moves across Canada.
The next conference will be in 2022. Please stay tuned for details.
Last Conference was held in Toronto, Ontario on May 6 to 8, 2020.

Who should attend:
Any individual who works to support children or youth with a visual impairment, including parents.

Application for Funding
Please see the following application form for eligibility and requirements.